Release 50

A representation of new additional features and improvements that have been released in Codex.

Gjirafa / Codex

New Features and Improvements

1. New Job for Cloning a Site

A new job for site cloning has been added to the Job Feature in Codex. In addition to other functionalities, users with the specified permissions can now clone a site within the organization. This feature simplifies the process of creating a new site with the same structure as an existing one, eliminating the need to manually recreate all components. Users can simply clone them instead. The cloned site can be used for testing purposes or similar reasons, based on the use case.

2. Display of the Activity Log in Entry Versions

New improvements have been made to the History tab, specifically in the entry versions. In addition to the existing details for entry versions, such as the user and the date and time, users can now view the activity log for each version by simply expanding the version history. The activity log provides additional information about the corresponding version, such as changes in the title, modifications in the editor fields, additions or removals of labels, changes in the status of the entry, published date, and other relevant information. This enhancement will help users to specifically understand what changes have been made at a glance in the entry editor or system fields of a version, enabling them to take the necessary actions.

3. Improvements to the Allow and Deny Rules of Permissions

New improvements have been made to the team permissions, specifically to the Allow and Deny rules. These improvements adjust the dominance of the Allow and Deny rules when a user is a member of more than one team. This means that when a user belongs to multiple teams, the Allow rule will have greater dominance than the Deny rule over an entity or component within Codex.

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed the "Edit Author" at Entry Level - Fixed the issue where users were unable to edit the author at the entry level, despite having the necessary permissions.

  2. Inability to Select a VP Project for Uploading - Fixed the issue where users were unable to select only a VP project when uploading media files, resulting in all projects being selected by default.

  3. Inaccurate Display of Asset Metrics - Fixed the issue where asset metrics were consistently displayed as zero upon opening an entry.