Release 38

A representation of new additional features and improvements that have been released in Codex.

Gjirafa / Codex

New Features

1. Tag Management Page

Users now have the ability to create and manage tags at the site level based on their permissions through the Tag management page. This page includes all the tags created manually in Codex, as well as tags created by third-party APIs such as Geneea or Dandelion. Additionally, users can create tags on different levels of the hierarchy to better manage and access their tags according to their needs.

2. Tag Webhooks

Based on the Tag management feature implementation, a new type of Webhook has been added to the Webhook management page. Now, users can create Tag webhooks that are triggered whenever a user creates, updates, or deletes tags in their content articles in Codex. This new capability allows developers to create and utilize Tag webhooks for various purposes as per their specific needs and requirements.

3. Tag Permissions

With the implementation of the Tag management features, we have now introduced Tag permissions. These permissions provide users with the ability to view, create, and manage tags within their respective sites. This enhancement empowers users to have better control over their tags based on their specific permissions, ensuring a more organized and efficient. To read more about Tag permissions, please refer to the Teams and Permissions resource.

4. Searchability and Inclusion in Filters for all Fields

A new enhancement has been introduced to improve the searchability and field inclusion in entry filters. This feature relies on the configuration of the Fields in Model Builder. Each field can now be configured by users to determine its inclusion in the search. This allows users to customize the search process based on their preferences and requirements. Additionally, users can select the fields they want to use as filters in Entry Listings, making it convenient to filter entries based on their unique needs.