Release 35

A representation of new additional features and improvements that have been released in Codex.

Gjirafa / Codex

New Features

1. Possibility to Reference Entries from other Sites

Users now have the possibility to reference in their actual entries other entries that have been created in other sites within the organization. This new feature enables users to create connections or relations between articles on different sites. By leveraging this functionality, users can facilitate content sharing and improve the coherence of their content across the organization.

2. Validations in Media Field for required Metadata

Users now have the ability to assign validations for required metadata for the media field in the model. This feature allows users to restrict adding assets in the entries that do not have a metadata filled. This feature enhances data accuracy and completeness and improves the quality of the content.

4. Clear formatting in Rich Content

Users now have the possibility to clear the formatted options added to the text in the Rich Content field using the editor toolbar. This new feature enables users to clear all formatting applied to text, including bold, italicize, underline, strikethrough, superscript, subscript, added links, and added color to the text. This feature helps editors to write articles and clear formatting text quickly without the need to check every part of the content that has formatting.

General Improvements

1. Additional information in Asset Metadata

Codex now provides additional information within the asset metadata. These metadata fields are grouped into General Information, File, and Log metadata. Within the File collapse tab, users can view metadata such as resolution (width, height), size, name, and type. Meanwhile, the Log collapse tab includes metadata fields such as created and updated dates, as well as the relevant author. This improvement allows users to quickly locate and identify the necessary metadata associated with each asset.

2. Option to customize table in Entries Listing by Labels

A new improvement has been added to the Entries Listing in Codex, allowing users to customize the table by Labels. Alongside the existing options to customize the table by system fields and model fields, users can now tailor the table view based on Labels. This improvement enables users to easily and quickly access entries based on their specific labeling purposes.

3. Tags organized by Source in Tag Field

Tags added within the Tag Field in Codex are now organized by source. These sources include Saved Tags, Dandelion and Geneea tags. This improvement streamlines the process for editors to access and select the necessary tags when creating or editing their articles.

4. Calendar starting by Monday

The Codex calendar now starts on Monday in all relevant components. This improvement provides consistency throughout the platform and ensures users can easily navigate the calendar interface.

5. Full-image preview in Media field & Media block

A full-image preview improvement has been added to the Media field and Media block within Codex. This will allow users to preview the entire image while editing their articles regardless of the asset resolution, improving the accuracy of image selection and placement.

Bug Fixes

  1. Concurrent Access - Fixed the issue with concurrent access, where the entry could not be accessed by the user, although it was not locked. Additional validations have been added to ensure that the entry is locked and unlocked correctly according to Restricted Access configuration

  2. Moving Files between folders - Fixed the issue with moving files from one folder to another. The issue was related to Asset Permissions where users could not move files successfully based on respective permission

  3. Geneea/Dandelion Errors - Fixed the issue with Geneea/Dandelion throwing errors for specific users and not retrieving tags in the Tag Field