Release 33
A representation of new additional features and improvements that have been released in Codex.
Gjirafa / Codex
New Features
1. Visibility of publication date in Article Listing
The Article Listing information is extended to also show the publication date of published articles and scheduled date of publication for draft articles for the editors to easily view the time when the articles have been published, without the need to enter the article view
2. Possibility to add Assets to existing Galleries
The functionality of Assets is improved to also allow users to add any type of Asset(Images, Videos) to one or multiple existing Galleries from Assets interface through the option 'Add to Gallerie(s)' with a right click in the Asset selection
3. Creating custom fields of Codex Models using Plugins
The powerful Codex Plugins allow users now to create desired Model fields that can be used afterwards in the Entry creation of the respective Models. Except default fields offered by Codex, users can create custom fields depending on the needs
4. Schedule Unpublish date of Codex Models
Despite the scheduling of publication date, another automatic option to remove Entries/Articles from publication is the Unpublishment, which allows users to set when the article should be unpublished
5. Assigning Models to specific Sites
As Models are by default placed in the Organization Level, users have the option to select on which Sites the particular Model should be available by enabling/disabling Sites in the side-panel of the Model
6. Manage Labels from the side panel of Entry
This improvement enables users to create Labels automatically from the side-panel of the Entry, without having the need to pre-create Labels in the Labels Management beforehand.
7. Webhooks for other entities
Webhooks is a powerful Codex tool that allows external applications to be updated for the content created in Codex. Webhooks types that are available in Codex are: Models, Sections & Lists. Moreover, filtering options of Webhooks allows users to set Webhooks only for specific Sites or specific Entry of a Model
General Improvements
1. Labels interface in Administration Settings
We have improved the Labels interface in Administration Settings with an addition of a slider in the right-side to quickly see, edit and add new Labels.
2. Input the desired time in the input of the Calendars
The calendar is improved to allow users to input directly the values in the input field of the calendar for the time, to easily add the publication time of the articles
3. Active search bar in Read Next
The search bar of Read Next widget is improved to be by default active whenever an editor adds a Read Next widget to quickly search for the desired article
Bug Fixes
Language reset after reload (F5)- Fixed the issue of resetting the language of Codex Admin after refreshing the page
Ž Missing a close button in the gallery- Fixed the issue of missing a closed button of gallery page in the front-page of Ženy
Caption of the image is not visible in the following images in the film strip gallery - Fixed the issue of captions in the Filmstrip gallery