Release 28

A representation of new additional features and improvements that have been implemented in Codex.

Gjirafa / Codex

New Features

1. Ad Placements in Codex-Front

Ad Placements feature is fully completed with the integration of Codex-Front implementation. Ad Placements can be created in Organization Level in a central managed interface through Codex. Those Ad Placements will be displayed in Codex-Front accordingly.

READ MORE HERE: Ad Placements

2. Analytics as a separate module

Codex menu has extended to contain a separate page named Analytics. Analytics is divided into Overview, which contains the current dashboard of general site analytics, as well as analytics dedicated only for published articles. In this release, under Article Analytics, you can find the list of all articles published, and general metrics for each of them. The metrics include: impressions, clicks, and views.

READ MORE HERE: Analytics Module

3. Domain Management

Domain Management feature enables the creation of multiple domains for the site so the same site can be accessed via multiple domains in the browser.

On this release you will be able to create new domain, view the list of all the domains that have been created and make a domain as the main one for the site. For every new site that is created, Codex will generate a default domain automatically.

READ MORE HERE: Domain Management

4. Article Promo Experiments in Codex-Front

Article Promo Experiments can be executed successfully with the connection of Codex Front. The experiment for Article Promos allows for running different experiments with different variations. The created variants will be displayed in Codex-Front according to the modification of Article Promo details such as: Featured Gallery, Title or Excerpt.

READ MORE HERE: Optimization using Experiments

5. Container in Codex-Front

The implementation of Container block is added in Codex-Front. Layouts in Codex are structured based on Rows and Columns. Since rows and columns can limit users to how much they can manipulate with the structure of a layout, Codex has added a new widget called Container that can be used in all types of layouts. This feature is also implemented in Codex-Front.

6. Weather Widget

Now you can view weather of a specific city in real time using the new widget that we added called Weather Widget. You can add a weather widget in any type of layout that you want and add as many cities as you want to display the weather of, to your widget.

Note that currently you can view only the weather of the cities in Czech and Kosovo.

READ MORE HERE: Some Available Codex Widgets

7. API Documentation

The following additions regarding API documentation are added in Technical Documentation section of Codex:

  • Section Endpoints HERE

  • Gallery List Endpoints HERE

  • Asset and Folder Endpoints HERE

  • Breaking News Endpoints HERE

General Improvements

1. Enable URLs

As we know users in Codex can also create custom URLs for different types of entities. To make these URLs available all you have to do is enable them, which means you can then be able to view those entities in Front with those enabled URLs.


2. Article Dashboard

Articles in Codex can be viewed in Article Dashboard. In such a way, users can have a better view of the list of articles or even find specific articles easier, Codex has added three functionalities as a part of Article Dashboard.

  1. Tabs - Sorts your articles from other articles

  2. Filters - Filters articles based on the content

  3. Per Page - Selects number of articles to be displayed per page

3. Improvement of implementing Codelets in your site

This new version of Codelets offers more options on the Code environment in Codelets module, with which users can add code snippets of these types: style, inline style, script, inline script and/or meta, and for each of these code snippets you will get input fields or data that you need to fill based on the type.

4. Gallery List Improvements

We also have improvements on Galleries directions, on creating and editing. You can now manage assets within Galleries menu without having to go to Assets module and vice versa.

  • You can now create galleries by selecting images on Assets module without having to navigate to Gallery List menu.

  • Bulk Edit can be applied to images within gallery list too.

Bug Fixes

  1. Load More on Flexible Articles List - Load more button not displaying more articles if the row does not contain the specified number of articles to fill the row.

  2. Date and Time format - Date and Time in articles can not be displayed in Czech language.

  3. Count of articles in section - The count of articles that use a section counts only published articles and not articles of other statuses.

  4. Uploading images - Not able to upload more than one image at the same time in Assets.

  5. Searching in Themes - Could not search themes in the search bar of Themes.

  6. Image caption - The caption of an image not displaying in article editor when the image has a caption.

  7. Width and Height in Ad Placements - Could not add decimal numbers in width and height of an Ad placement.