Release 27

A representation of new additional features and improvements that have been implemented in Codex.

Gjirafa / Codex

New Features

1. Article Locking

Article Locking locks articles that are being currently edited, so another author can't override the changes that are currently being made. As the article is being locked, the author is informed with a placeholder that in the article listing that says: "The article is currently being edited".

READ MORE HERE: Article Locking

2. Experiment Details with dynamic data

The static view of Experiment Details is upgraded with dynamic data. This release includes calculation of the metrics for each experiment. By clicking on a running experiment, or finished experiment the following metrics can be viewed for each Variant: clicks, impressions, CTR and more.

READ MORE HERE: Optimization using Experiments

3. Ad Placements in Codex Admin

The management of Ads in Organization Level is made possible with this new feature of Codex named Ad Placements. Users can configure different type of Ad Placements which can be used throughout different Sites and Layouts. If one single change is being made in the Ad Placements, the changes are applied to all of the sites and Layouts that the Ad Placement is being used. In this release, Ad Placements are enabled only in Codex Admin and not in Codex-Front.

READ MORE HERE: Ad Placements

4. Photo-Editing tool

Photo-Editing tool is a new addition to the Asset Management which allows many more functionalities and modifications in the images that are being uploaded to Codex. From now one, users can do the following changes in an image: cropping, adjusting size, zooming, resizing etc.


5. Instagram Gallery Widget

As additional to all the other gallery widgets within Codex, we also have the Instagram Gallery Widget which provides users with the choice of adding images to the gallery manually using link from the internet.

READ MORE HERE: Some Available Codex Widgets

6. URL Management

Each entity in Codex has a unique URL. Until now, the creation of those URLs could be managed through Site Settings. Another module has been added in the Codex Menu, subcomponent of Builder, which allows Management of URLs for all entities. Moreover, new custom URLs can be created, which would redirect to the desired entities. URL can also be customized in Content Editor for a specific article.


7. Organization of folders & subfolders in Others

An improvement on Others Module in Codex includes dividing your files of various formats into folders and subfolders so you can have a more structured and organized view on Others page.

READ MORE HERE: Others Module

8. Organization Roles

Each user in Codex can have one or more roles, and each role has permissions. Depending on the permission of a user, they can now manage roles and others permissions on both Organization and Site level.

READ MORE HERE: Managing Roles

9. Article Endpoints in API Documentation

Codex users can now use our Codex API to manage their contents. On this release they will be provided with a guide on managing Articles in Codex using the API.

READ MORE HERE: Managing Articles Using the API

General Improvements

1. Dashboard Analytics filters

Date-range filters of Analytics Dashboard can now be seen and modified inside the calendar on Analytics Dashboard. The date-range filters of dashboard include today, yesterday, custom date-range and other possibilities with which user can filter the content on Dashboard.

2. Codex MENU

The main menu in Codex Admin is now divided into Modules that consist of their own components or submodules, and the UI of the Menu has been updated to a more selective and categorized view to make it easier for users to navigate in Codex. The Main Menu in Codex currently consists of these modules: Dashboard, Content, Builder, Assets, Workflow, Discussions, Optimization and Administration, along with many more to come.

3. Container in Root Layout of Codex Admin

Now within Root Layout we have Containers with which users will be able to manipulate with rows and columns better.

This component offers a lot of flexibility into adding different types of containers such as header, main, footer or even a simple div within a root layout. In this release, Container is only enabled in Codex Admin.

4. Section Tree

With this new feature called Section Tree in Codex you get section's redirect URLs generated in a hierarchical manner in Front. Now section redirect URLs will consist of both parent and child sections and not only the section itself.

Bug Fixes

  1. Searching in Experiments - Fixed case sensitive issue when searching on Experiments

  2. Horizontal menu action event - Fixed the responsive Menu not responding to click and hover actions when switching between these two events

  3. Featured media caption - Fixed the duplication of Captions used in image galleries

  4. Schedule article publish - Fixed the issue of articles not being published on the scheduled time. Validated the option to not be able schedule articles in the past

  5. Section used in articles - Not displaying the list of articles where section is being used