Navigating in Codex

This section provides an overview of basic navigation in Codex. We will cover the main components of Codex and offer guidance on using its features and navigating the platform efficiently.

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Navigation in Codex

Navigation Bar

The Navigation Bar, located at the top of the Codex screen, contains several tools including breadcrumbs, the global search, and the profile icon.

Navigation Bar and Breadcrumbs Dropdown Menu


The Breadcrumbs show the navigation path within Codex, allowing you to move between pages. Clicking on breadcrumbs brings up a dropdown menu of all available organizations, environments, and sites, allowing you to quickly switch between them based on your permissions.

Global Search

The Global Search allows for fast and efficient searching of any component or entity in Codex, including entries, assets, authors, sections, sites, teams, and more. Enter a keyword or phrase in the global search bar to generate a list of matching results. Selecting a result will take you to the corresponding Codex entity, providing quick and easy access to all Codex elements with a few clicks.

Quickly access Global Search using the keyboard shortcut FN + COMMAND + SPACE on macOS or CTRL + Space on Windows.

Global Search in Codex

Profile Icon

The Profile Icon located in the top-right of the Navigation Bar opens a drop-down menu with several quick actions, including access to the account profile, switching organizations, changing interface language, and logging out of the account.

Profile Menu

  • Click on “Profile” option to view or edit your account profile information.

  • Click on "Switch organization" to switch to a different organization.

  • Click on “Language” to change the language of the Codex interface.

  • Click on “Logout” option to log out of Codex and end your current session.


The top-left corner of the left sidebar leads to the main components of your organization: Home, Assets, Sites, Builder, and Administration. These links allow navigation to different sections of Codex and access to features and tools in each component.

Components in the Left Sidebar

Note that the Components and Menu items visible in Codex may vary based on permissions.


On initial login to Codex, the Home component serves as the starting page with an overview of all organization sites. From here, new sites can be created, existing ones edited, or deleted. Selecting a site redirects to its content space to create entries, sections, lists, and more.

Home Component


The Assets component in Codex provides access to its Asset Management Hub, a platform for uploading and managing digital assets such as images, videos, gifs, and other files. The hub allows users to upload files, integrate with stock media platforms, and manage assets using folder structure, search, filter, and sort options. Images can be previewed in thumbnail, list, or grid views.

Assets Component


The Components menu in Codex lists all the Sites associated with your organization, enabling quick navigation between them. Upon selecting a site, you'll have access to its content such as Entries, Sections, Lists, URLS, and Tags, and can manage or create content based on your permissions.

Note that content created within a site is exclusive to that site, while other Codex components like Assets, Builder, and Administration are shared across the organization. Access to these components can be controlled through permissions.

Sites Component


The Builder component in Codex is a collection of developer tools, including the Model Builder, Webhooks, Image Presets, and Jobs. The Model Builder enables users to design custom content models and interfaces using a range of basic and native fields. Webhooks, on the other hand, trigger notifications to be sent to external systems whenever changes are made to the content within Codex.

Builder Component


The Administration component in Codex encompasses all elements relevant to the administration of organization entities like Sites, Users, Teams, Authors, API Keys, Labels, and Integrations. With the appropriate permissions, you can manage the Administration settings and apply them to the respective sites.

Administration Component